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User Source Imports

You can use imports to customize how data is loaded into your user data source. With imports, you can load data by the following approaches:

  • Upload file
  • Load from Dropbox
  • Load from FTP
  • Receive by Email

With an import, you can choose to replace all data or to update based on one or more fields. For example, you can set up:

  • Replace All Data
  • Add or Replace Monthly Data
  • Add or Replace Data by Rep Name
  • Add or Replace Data by Month and Rep Name
  • Add or Replace Data by File Name

You can configure your imports by going to the Imports section of Configuration on your data source:

From here, you can create an import:

Within the import, you can choose one or more fields for updating. When the import runs, it will replace data meeting the specified criteria:

You can configure additional options here as well. For example, if you enable fail on any error, the import will fail if any date fields have an incorrect format.

Once you've saved your import, you can set up how you want the import to be used. It can be done as part of a direct upload from the Easy Insight interface, loaded from Dropbox or FTP, or received by email:

For Dropbox, you'll be prompted to first create a Dropbox connection for authorization. From there, you can give it the path to the file to load:

For FTP, you provide credentials and specify whether the FTP server is SFTP, FTPS, or FTP:

For email, you'll be prompted to set up an address for report delivery. You can send your Excel or CSV files to this email address and they'll be processed into Easy Insight:

Once you've set up either FTP or Dropbox as the import mechanism, you can run a Refresh the Data Source like any other data source and you can schedule refreshes of the data source.

You can pull up the list of processed uploads and any errors around those uploads from the Imports page as well by going to the Files section on the control bar:

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