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To begin using Easy Insight, users import data from the Connections page by clicking on a link to their target system. Easy Insight will guide the user through the set-up process.

There are a few primary types of connections:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) systems
  • Flat files (excel, csv)
  • Database through a fixed IP
  • API (Client application publishing data into Easy Insight)
Data Sources:
Once a connection is made, a Data Source is created. Users can access data sources under the Home page. By clicking on the name of a Data Source, Basecamp for example, all reports and dashboards built on that source will be visible (unless alternate permissions are specified, see Collaboration) The Data Source home page is where users edit/create new reports/dashboards and take administrative actions specific to that Data Source.
Reports are built against a particular data source, and can range from lists and charts to maps and diagrams. You'll build custom Reports through use of the Report Editor.
As you use the report editor, you'll build your Reports from Fields exposed by the Data Source. These Fields can be Groupings (text data such as Customer, Project or Deal Name), Measures (metrics such as Deal Size, Number of Todo Items, or Time to Solve), and Dates (examples include Date Created, Date Resolved, or Due Date).

You'll use Filters in your reports to pare down the results in your report to the particular subset of data you want to see. Examples of using Filters include:

  • Only show a fixed set of five patricular project names
  • Only show tickets created in the last full month
  • Only show deals with greater than ten associated activities
  • Only show todo items where the name of the todo contains "Sample"

Dashboards enable users to combine one or more reports into a single view. For example, users may choose to create a Dashboard displaying an overview page of four key metrics, two charts, and a leader board. You'll build custom dashboards through use of the Dashboard Editor.

With both reports and dashboards, you have the Editor view and the End User view. The Editor view is the view which allows you to make structural changes to the report or dashboard, while the End User view is the view that you'll typically use in day to day use of the report or dashboard. This is also the view that Viewers on your account will have access to.
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