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Customer Analytics in Easy Insight

All of the inventory management connections in Easy Insight include a 'Customer' section to help you with analyzing your customers. All of these reports use the following definitions:

  • Customer First Order Date is the first order date as tracked either within the inventory management system or within additional historical data added to your inventory connection.
  • Customer Lost Date defaults to 365 days after the last customer order.
  • Gross Profit is your profit after discounts, credits, and cost of goods sold.
  • Contribution Profit adds in shipping costs, channel fees, and any other variable expenses you choose to allocate. For example, you might subtract sales rep commission from contribution profit. You can read more about contribution profit at Contribution Profit.

The Customer Overview provides charts showing Customer Churn, Repeat Customer %, # of Customers by First Order Date, and Revenue by New and Existing Customers.

Customer Acquisition by Product shows you which products have been the best at attracting new customers to your business.

The Customer Sales Rep View gives you a scatter chart of customers by their lifetime contribution profit vs. their last order date. You can use this chart to identify high value customers in danger of dropping off. This chart also includes a breakdown of accounts by rep grouped up by range of their last order date.

Lost Customers enable you to look at customers who haven't made an order in more than 365 days. You can use this to help guide marketing to pull back old customers or investigate why customers dropped off.

Customers With Orders Outside Normal Order Days provides another view into customers in danger of dropping off. This report shows you the average duration between orders for customers and allows you to group up into customers that are outside of that normal range, helping your sales team jump in on high value accounts before they completely drop off.

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