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Two Way Bulk Updates

Want to set assignees on a set of twenty tasks across three projects in a single change? Update every custom field value of an opportunity where the value isn't currently set? You can use two way bulk updates to make the changes in a single operation from Easy Insight.

First, filter your report down to the results you want to update. The field you're updating will also need to be in the report. Once you've set the report for the update, click on the field you want to update and choose "Bulk Update Value" from the dropdown:

Two Way Setup

Configure the field to the value you want to assign all records in the report into, then click on Validate Update. Assuming validation shows everything as correct, you can then run the update.

Two Way Setup

If the number of rows changed is more than the limit configured on your account at Two Way -> Two Way Settings, you'll be prompted to filter the report down more before you can make the bulk update. This limit is there to make sure you can't accidentally update too many rows in the source system.

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