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Date Functions

businessdayofmonth returns the business day of month of the selected date.


returns the current business day of month.

businessdayofmonth([date field])

returns the business day of month of the date passed as a parameter.

businessdaysbetween returns the number of business days between the two selected dates. If you don't have a business calendar configured, it will use a default calendar of Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, with no holidays.

businessdaysbetween([date1], [date2])

returns the number of days between date1 and date2.

businessdaysinmonth returns the number of business days in the month of the selected date.


returns the number of business days in the current month.

businessdaysinmonth([date field])

returns the number of business days in the month of the selected date.

businesshoursbetween returns the number of business hours between the two selected dates. If you don't have a business calendar configured, it will use a default calendar of Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, with no holidays.

businesshoursbetween([date1], [date2])

returns the number of hours between date1 and date2.

dayofweek returns the day of week of the selected date.


returns the current day of week.

dayofweek([date field])

returns the day of week of the date passed as a parameter.

dayofyear returns the day of year of the selected date.


returns the current day of year.

dayofyear([date field])

returns the day of year of the date passed as a parameter.

days returns the number of days from a raw duration of milliseconds between two dates. For example:

days([Date1] - [Date2])

returns the number of days in the specified period. However, we recommend using daysbetween([Date1], [Date2]) for this sort of logic.

daysinmonth returns the number of days in the month of the selected date.


returns the number of days in the current month.

daysinmonth([date field])

returns the number of days in the month of the selected date.

daysbetween returns the number of days between the two selected dates.

daysbetween([date1], [date2])

returns the number of days between date1 and date2.

fiscalyearstart returns the first month of the year as defined by your fiscal year (configured under Account Settings).


returns the first month of the fiscal year.

fiscalyearend returns the last month of the year as defined by your fiscal year (configured under Account Settings).


returns the first month of the fiscal year.

hoursbetween returns the number of hours between the two selected dates.

hoursbetween([date1], [date2])

returns the number of hours between date1 and date2.

minutesbetween returns the number of minutes between the two selected dates.

minutesbetween([date1], [date2])

returns the number of minutes between date1 and date2.

month returns the month of the selected date.


returns the current month.

month([date field])

returns the month of the date passed as a parameter.

months returns the specified interval of months, for example:

nowdate() - months(2)

would calculate the date two months prior to now.

nowdate returns the current date:


quarters returns the specified interval of quarters, for example:

nowdate() - quarters(2)

would calculate the date two quarters prior to now.

weekofyear returns the week of year of the selected date.


returns the current week of year.

weekofyear([date field])

returns the day of week of year passed as a parameter.

weeks returns the specified interval of weeks, for example:

nowdate() - weeks(2)

would calculate the date two weeks prior to now.

workday returns whether or not the specified day is a work day based on your business calendar.

workday([date field])

returns Workday if the field is a valid work day according to your business calendar and Non Workday if the field is not a valid work day.

year returns the year of the selected date.


returns the current year.

year([date field])

returns the year of the date passed as a parameter.

years returns the specified interval of years, for example:

nowdate() - years(2)

would calculate the date two years prior to now.

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